"Writer's Block" is a gripping and thought-provoking film that delves into the human psyche under extreme conditions. The story follows a prisoner who is given all the tools necessary to complete his unconventional and bloody writing process. As the prisoner begins to write, he confronts his own mortality and comes to terms with the pain and chaos in his life. The film raises important questions about the limits of human potential and the power of art to transform even the most dire of circumstances. "Writer's Block" is a must-watch for anyone interested in the human experience and the creative process.
"Writer's Block" is an independent, self-funded film directed by Steven Schloss. Filmed in the state of Rhode Island at the Pawtucket Armory, the movie was made with a 20 person crew who transformed a dingy office into a hellish library prison. The film required 5 gallons of blood and took 4 days to shoot. Despite its low budget, "Writer's Block" is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the limits of human potential and the power of art to transform even the most dire of circumstances.
The goal of "Writer's Block" is to showcase the immense talent and creativity of Director Steven Schloss and his crew. Despite facing numerous obstacles, including limited resources and a tight budget, the team was able to create a film that is thought proving. Through their ingenuity and resourcefulness, the crew demonstrated the potential of independent filmmaking and proved that great art can be made with minimal resources and a lot of determination. "Writer's Block" is a testament to the power of creativity and the strength of the human spirit.